The iFi AC iPurifier: Not Snake Oil!
I recently decided to try out “power line internet”: a system for home networking when it’s not practicable to run actual ethernet lines. I was worried that this would introduce AC noise into my precious hi-fi — and it absolutely did!
So, for the first time in my life, I decided to try out a power conditioning system. After much googling, I decided on the iFi AC iPurifier — because the reviews were decent, and because it was relatively cheap ($99 — I say “relatively” because the Powerline internet system cost quite a bit less than that!). I read many comments saying that the AC iPurifier was “snake oil” — and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to test that. I’m happy to say that it absolutely is not snake oil. For the proof, you’ll have to watch the below, my very first hi-fi AF video! (Apologies for the shaky camera!)